
Teramo Campus "Aurelio Saliceti"
11 - 13 Settembre 2024

119° Congresso della Società Botanica Italiana

X International Plant Science Conference (IPSC)


reserved area

remember password

Simultaneous registration form to the SBI website and Congress

The first step is to subscribe to the SBI web site. The data will be used in accordance with current privacy policy.

Fill in your data

(do not use spaces or sysmbols)

(at least 5 char long)

Check code    change image
Please do fill in here the numeric code you see in the image before

Fill in your personal data




Please indicate in the following field if you require a vegetarian menu and if you have any allergies

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Please insert your contact email address:*   

You will use this payment method:*   


(*) Mandatory fields


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