
Teramo Campus "Aurelio Saliceti"
11 - 13 Settembre 2024

119° Congresso della Società Botanica Italiana

X International Plant Science Conference (IPSC)


reserved area

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Organizing Committee

Scientific Organizing Committee


Instructions for the authors

The abstract format can be viewed and the abstract submitted online at the link Abstract Submission only after you have registered, but before June 10, 2024.

The first author must be registered (for the entire Congress and not only one day) and cannot present more than one poster as first author.

If you submit an abstract for a poster presentation, the Scientific Committee of the Congress may ask you to convert it into an oral communication. For this purpose, it is important to correctly indicate the identification code (see page Topics) of the work presented.

The abstract, including figures, must be limited to a single A4 sheet, with margins of 2 cm on all four sides.
Use Times New Roman font (size 11) with single line spacing.
Avoid spaces between paragraphs, except for the title and author name, and between the address and text.
The title, in bold and 12-point font, must be preceded by an identification number selected according to the topics (see page Topics).
The names of the authors, written in capital letters (first letter upper case, the remaining letters lower case), should be listed below the title using 11-point font.
The authors' affiliation addresses should be written in 10-point font and listed below the names.
The references will be cited in the text using numbers and listed at the bottom of the page in 10-point font. The list should not exceed three references.
Figure captions should be written in 10-point font.
Download sample abstract

The posters (which consist of a single "slide") will not be printed. Instead, they will be video-projected in the conference rooms and on dedicated digital screens located in the common areas. All posters must be in a horizontal format and submitted to the SBI secretariat in both .pdf and .jpg formats by August 2, 2024. Failure to comply with these guidelines or submitting non-compliant materials may result in the inability to present your scientific contribution at the congress.
Since the posters will be projected on rather large screens they will need to have an adequate resolution. Therefore, an abstract graphic format with a briefly description of the research carried out, key images and some "bullet points", are highly recommended.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to the SBI Secretariat

Authors are requested to complete and submit, via email, the release note to allow disclosure of the material. Download release note.

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