
Teramo Campus "Aurelio Saliceti"
11 - 13 Settembre 2024

119° Congresso della Società Botanica Italiana

X International Plant Science Conference (IPSC)


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Organizing Committee

Scientific Organizing Committee



We are pleased to invite you to the 119th Congress of the Italian Botanical Society (X INTERNATIONAL PLANT SCIENCE CONFERENCE) which will be held in Teramo from 11 to 13 September 2024. The Congress, which will host renowned international speakers who are experts in various fields of botany, will will take place in the Aula Magna of the University of Teramo, “Aurelio Saliceti” Campus. A heartfelt thanks goes to our guests who will participate with their themes in the Congress and who have been presenting projects for several years to create a new Botanical Garden: this congress therefore aims to open up new forms of collaboration between the Department of Biosciences and Agri-food Technologies and Environmental of the University of Teramo with the various areas that represent us.
This year we maintained the scheme that was successful in Pisa in 2023, where a transversal representation was given to all the cultural areas that characterize our Society in the various symposia and where the posters were made the most of. There are 6 symposiums in English, organized on macro-themes, and a round table, in Italian on Friday afternoon, which will focus on new frontiers and future challenges for Botanical Gardens. There will also be two symposiums of short oral poster presentations (each with 4 parallel sessions). For both the 6 symposia and the oral poster presentations, 43 key words have been foreseen (6-9 per macro topic), in which everyone will be able to find their own line of research represented.
The posters (a single slide) must be in horizontal format and must no longer be printed, but provided in electronic format with adequate advance notice, as they will be projected during their short oral presentation, as well as loaded onto large screens where they will be shown in a continuous cycle. in the common area of the conference venue. Therefore, everyone will present orally, in English, the main results of their research, through short and concise concepts for posters, in a more extensive manner in the contributions that will be selected as oral communications.
We hope that this format promotes positive interactions, transversally involving senior scientists, students, PhD students and post-docs working in the botanical field.
As has been tradition for some years now, scholarships will be offered for students and young researchers.
The official language of the Congress will be English, except for the last symposium on Friday afternoon.

We are waiting for you in Teramo!
The Organizers

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