
Teramo Campus "Aurelio Saliceti"
11 - 13 Settembre 2024

119° Congresso della Società Botanica Italiana

X International Plant Science Conference (IPSC)


reserved area

remember password

Organizing Committee

Scientific Organizing Committee



In order to promote the participation of young researchers, grants will be assigned to undergraduate students, PhD students, and post-docs who are resident in Italy or abroad and who will submit an abstract as first author. The grant covers the registration fee, accommodation, travel expenses (up to a maximum of € 200,00), and the social dinner. The grant request (download the form of request) should be sent by e-mail to the Secretariat of the Italian Botanical Society ( together with the abstract and a short CV. The Directory Board of the Society will select the grant recipients.
Grant recipients must already be members of the Italian Botanical Society or apply for membership when they receive the grant.
Candidates should NOT pay the registration fee for the Congress until the outcome of the evaluation process is known. Those who do not receive the grant can then decide whether or not to register.

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