“Sustainable Conservation: Bridging the gap between disciplines
The conference
“Sustainable Conservation: Bridging the gap between disciplines”
is arranged March 15 -18 2010 in Trondheim, Norway, by the Centre for Conservation Biology at the Norwegian University for Science and Technology (NTNU) and is part of the 250th Anniversary of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters.
Present the scientific basis for a sustainable conservation of natural resources. Focus on the process of extinction and management actions that can increase the lifetime of populations both at the local and regional level. Identify common principles for a sustainable management that also can ensure conservation.
Prof.Bernt-Erik Sæther, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Prof.GunillaRosenqvist, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Invited speakers:
Prof.Steve R. Beissinger, University of Berkley, USA
Dr.Hal Caswell, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
Prof.KjellDanell, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden
Dr.John M. Drake, University of Georgia, USA
Prof.Stephen P. Ellner, Cornell University, USA
Prof.SteinarEngen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Prof.William. F. Fagan, University of Maryland , USA
Prof.John M. Fryxell, University of Guelph, Canada
Prof.Ilka Hanski, University of Helsinki, Finland
Prof.Stephen. L. Hubbell, University of California, Los Angeles, USA
Dr.Peter Kareiva, The Nature Conservancy, USA
Prof.Russell Lande, Imperial College, London, UK
Prof.Georgina Mace, Imperial College, London, UK
Prof.Stuart Pimm, Duke University, USA
Prof.Hugh Possingham, The Ecology Centre, University of Queensland, Australia
Dr.Jane Reid, University of Aberdeen, UK
Prof.William J. Sutherland, University of Cambridge, UK
Prof.David Tilman, University of Minnesota, USA
Dr.Henri Weimerskirch, Centre national de la recherchéscientifique, France
Submissions of contributed talk are welcomed. For further information and registration visit: http://www.biodivconf.ccb2010.no/