Geometric Morphometrics Laboratory for Systematics and Evolutionary Researches
MORNING SESSIONS: 2 h lesson + 2h lab
Lecturers: Dean C. Adams and Dennis E. Slice
Monday 1 February
Dean C. Adams - Introduction to Geometric Morphometrics: Were we are and where we go
Dennis E. Slice - PCA, PLS, Discriminant analysis, Classification
Tuesday 2 February
Dean C. Adams and Dennis E. Slice - Overview of available morphometrics software and intro to R.
Wednesday 3 February
Dennis E. Slice - Allometry
Dean C. Adams - Sliding landmarks, outlines
Thursday 4 February
Dean C. Adams and Dennis E. Slice Overview of available software for advanced analyses
Friday 5 February
Dennis E. Slice - Asymmetry analysis
Dean C. Adams - Comparative methods
AFTERNOON SESSIONS: 1 h lesson + 2h lab
Andrea Cardini - The spatial dimension of evolutionary morphology: applications of geometric
morphometrics to biogeography. Examples of analyses of spatial data in geometric morphometrics
Paolo Piras and Luciano Teresi - Shape, function and phylogeny: finite element modeling
Pasquale Raia - Ontogeny, phylogeny and geometric morphometrics. Inspecting shape change over growth.and comparative methods applied to Geometric Morphometrics data.
Paolo Colangelo and Anna Loy – Combining molecular and morphological data for systematic and evolutionary researches
Example of software that will be explained and used at the Lab
. R routines for GM data acquisition and analysis
. Tps series by F. J. Rohlf:
. Morphologika O’Higgins P and Jones N:
. MorphoJ by P. Klingeberg :
. Morpheus et al. by D. E. Slice:
. IMP series:
. NTSYS (Exteter software )
. Mesquite by W. P. Maddison and D. R. Maddison Http://
. Arcview /ArcGIS (ESRI: