24th International Congress for Conservation Biology
ICCB 2010, July 3-7, 2010, Edmonton, Canada
Plans are well underway for the Society for Conservation Biology’s annual international congress. After having 1200 participants at the European conservation biology meeting (ECCB2009, Prague), it would be nice to have many Europeans at the ICCB.
Abstracts are currently being collected for oral, speed and poster presentations, with an EXTENDED DEADLINE of February 15, 2010. To view the ICCB 2010 scientific program, including accepted symposia, workshops and short courses, go to www.conbio.org/2010 and click on
the Program and Special Events tab. Please check regularly for updates.
Registration: Watch the Congress website at www.conbio.org/2010 -
registration opens February 15, 2010. Be sure to take advantage of the earlybird rates which end on April 6, 2010! SCB members save on registration fees, so be sure to renew your membership (www.conbio.org/join).
Fieldtrips and Excursions: In addition to the scientific program,
you’ll have a chance to experience Edmonton and Alberta during the numerous planned field trips and excursions. These trips range from general-interest commercial trips to customized trips which have been designed specially for conservation biologists: multi-stop birding trip, Elk Island National Park, Mountain parks – Jasper, Banff,
Icefield Parkway excursions, and early morning birding walks and a canoe float trip or an excursion on the Edmonton Queen sternwheeler during the conference.
Exhibitors: The exhibit booth allocations are filling up fast. To view available booth locations, go to http://www.conbio.org/activities/meetings/2010/register/FloorPlan.cfm.
An on-line registration form is available at http://www.conbio.org/2010 for sponsors, exhibitors and advertisers.
Help us spread the word: Please help us spread the word about the Congress - sign up for the ICCB listserv, distribute ICCB postcards or posters, encourage your staff to attend, exhibit, sponsor or advertise. For a full list go to:
Looking forward to seeing you in Edmonton this July!
ICCB Organisers