11th World Congress on Parasitic Plants
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We are pleased to invite you to the 11th World Congress on Parasitic Plants, that will be held from 7 to 12 June 2011 in Martina Franca, Italy.
The Congress continues a long tradition of regularly assembling the world's experts on parasitic plants for professional and scientific meetings, which started in 1973 with the first international meeting in Malta.
The Congress will bring together scientists representing a wide spectrum of disciplines, research approaches, and geographical representation of parasitic plant research.
Assembling specialists with different perspectives, all focused around the common theme of plant parasitism, provides a stimulating environment for learning, exchanging ideas, and connecting with old and new colleagues.
Parasitic plants - both the weedy species that severely constrain agriculture and the many other non-weedy species - present unanswered questions with regard to their origin and evolution from non parasitic plants, population structures and dynamics, evolutionary pathways towards crop parasitism, ecology, physiology, molecular biology, and the structure, function and development of their haustoria.
The Congress will include presentations at the cutting edge of parasitic plant research and management of parasitic weeds. A major emphasis in the Congress will be the fostering of interaction among participants.
Please consider attending the 11th World Congress on Parasitic Plants. Mark the date in your calendar and register for the Congress.
Please visit the official website of the Congress at the following address:
On behalf of the Organizing Committee and Society, we are looking forward to meeting you in Italy.
The Congress will be held from Tuesday 7th (arrivals) to Sunday 12th (departures) June 2011 in Martina Franca, a very nice small town located in South Italy, around 70 Km from Bari, in the heart of the Itria Valley, famous worldwide for the Trulli, the typical buildings recognized as
World Heritage by UNESCO.
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