Benevento 18/22 settembre 2012
reserved area
Registration Fees
Also this year the Italian Botanic Society has decided to continue the procedures for registration and abstract submission online.
Entries must be made from our website using the online form which can be accessed from address
In case of any difficulties please e-mail to
Payment must be made in the entry using the following terms and writing the reason "Participant Name – 107° Congress SBI"
- Bank on our Bancoposta at the Italian Post Office - IBAN IT 40 D 07 601 02 800 000 013 803 507
- Transfer to our account at Banca Commerciale Next Milan Branch Presidium of Florence - IBAN IT90 K033 5901 6001 0000 0019 636
- Payment with Scoreboard postal c / n. 13803507 payable to: Italian Society of Botany, Via G. La Pira 4, 50121 Florence
The amounts of installments are by 31/05/2012
Full € 210,00
Reduced for students, graduate students,
research assistants, etc.. € 160,00
after 31/05/2012
Full € 260,00
Reduced for students, graduate students,
research assistants, etc.. € 190,00
The registration fee includes the coffee breaks and lunch buffet at the cloister of the Complex University of St. Augustine
In case of failure to participate will be reimbursed 70% of the amount paid, but only if the communication is made by 31 August and only if it has not been sent abstracts
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