
Benevento 18/22 settembre 2012

107° Congresso SBI Onlus

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Scientific Organizing Committee




In 2012, "The Italian Botanical Society Award" will be awarded to doctoral students for their thesis discussed in the three years from 2009 to 2011 on topics related to General Botany, Systematic Botany and Environmental and Applied Botany.
The prize is of € 500.00 will go to the winning thesis.
The doctoral students, members of the S.B.I. (with paid annual membership), should send a copy of their thesis to the headquarters at Via G. La Pira, 4-50121 Florence, by May 31, 2012, specifying the subject area of reference.
The Jury is made up of members of the Executive Council. The Commission reserves the right to not make the awarded.
The award will be presented by the President during the Assembly of the members at the 107th Congress in Benevento.


This year the Zanichelli Publishing award a prize of € 500.00 on good books to posters on topics related to the most deserving General Botany, Systematic Botany and the Environmental and Applied Botany.
The jury is made up of members of the Executive Council. The award will be presented by the President during the General Meeting at the 107 th Congress of Benevento.

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