
Fisciano Campus Universitario
12 - 15 September 2018

113° Congresso della Società Botanica Italiana

V International Plant Science Conference (IPSC)


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Local Organizing Committee

Scientific Organizing Committee



Dear members,
we are glad to invite you to attend the 113th Congress of the Italian Botanical Society (5th International Plant Science Conference) that will be held in Fisciano (Salerno) from Wednesday 12 to Saturday 15 September 2018.
The Congress will take place in the Campus of the University of Salerno at Fisciano and will host several invited speakers from abroad with a high scientific profile.
In the afternoon of Friday September 14, a round-table discussion on the project CORIMBO will be organised in one of the University lecture halls.
The social dinner will take place in the open (weather permitting) at the Consorzio dell’Appennino Meridionale, a structure located within the Campus. An excursion to the Cilento National Park, Valle di Diano and the Alburni shall take place on Saturday September 15.
Speakers, senior and junior scientists as well as doctoral students and post-docs, will provide an overall view of recent developments and approaches in their field of study. The official language of the Congress is English, except for post-Congress events (14 and 15 September).
Registration will open soon. You are welcome to send abstracts of your presentations. The organisers will inform you as to whether the presentation will be an oral one or a poster.
Accomodation will be available (250 places) in student residence halls at the Campus of Fisciano. For organisational purposes, we ask you to make your reservations as soon as possible.
We look forward to seeing you in Fisciano!

The Organisers

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