
Pisa Polo Didattico San Rossore 1938
13 - 16 September 2023

118° Congresso della Società Botanica Italiana

IX International Plant Science Conference (IPSC)


reserved area

Local Organizing Committee

Scientific Organizing Committee



We are delighted to invite you to the 118th Congress of the Italian Botanical Society (IX INTERNATIONAL PLANT SCIENCE CONFERENCE), which will take place from 13 to 16 September 2023 in Pisa. This year's Congress will feature internationally renowned speakers who are experts in various fields of botany and will be held at the Learning Centre “San Rossore 1938”, located in downtown Pisa.
We have introduced several innovations this year to ensure an equitable representation of all the cultural areas that characterise our Society and maximise the impact of the posters. Six symposia will be organised in English on macro-themes, and one in Italian on Friday afternoon dedicated to the History of Italian Botany. There will also be two symposia of short oral poster presentations, with four parallel sessions each.
Each full symposium communication and each short oral poster presentation will be linked to one of forty-two keywords (6-8 in each macro-theme), encompassing the diversity of research fields represented by the Society Working Groups.
Please note that the posters, which consist of a single PowerPoint slide, must be submitted in electronic format well in advance of the Congress and be in a horizontal format. They will be projected during their short oral presentation and displayed on large screens in a continuous cycle in the common areas of the congress venue. Therefore, every contributor will present the main results of their research orally in English, through short and concise concepts for the posters, and more extensively in the contributions that will be selected as oral communications.
We hope that this new arrangement of the congress contributions will stimulate positive interactions and create opportunities for cross-connections between senior scientists, students, PhD students, and post-docs. Scholarships will be available for students and young researchers, as in previous years.
The official language of the Congress will be English, except for the last symposium on Friday afternoon. A post-congress excursion to the San Rossore Estate is scheduled on Saturday, 16 September, in the morning.

We look forward to seeing you in Pisa and encourage you to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.
The Organizers

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