8 - 10 Settembre 2021
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Dear All,
even for the current year, the general situation does not allow a complete return to normal living and working conditions. Consequently, the 116th annual congress of the Italian Botanical Society (VII International Plant Science Conference) will be organised using virtual tools and will be held on September 8-10, 2021.
Registration mode and fees
Both registration and abstract submission must be done online from our website using the available form, which can be accessed from the link Registration and Abstract Submission. If you have any difficulties, please contact the Secretariat of the Italian Botanical Society (
Payment must be made at the time of registration using one of the following methods and indicating your name and “116th SBI Congress":
- online from the homepage of the S.B.I. website Home page della S.B.I., Pagamenti online
- bank transfer to our account at Banca Intesa Sanpaolo Filiale terzo settore Toscana Nord, IBAN IT 46 G 03069 09606 100000019636
- transfer to our Bancoposta account of Poste Italiane, IBAN IT 40 D 07601 02800 000 013 803 507
- postal bulletin c/n. 13803507 payable to Società Botanica Italiana, via P.A. Micheli 3, 50121 Firenze.
Registration fees
Before June 15, 2021
- SBI members who have paid their 2021 membership fee € 60.00
- Non-members and SBI members who have not paid their 2021 membership fee €100.00
- Students, PhD students, post-docs, and research fellows € 30.00
After June 15, 2021
Full fee for everyone € 100.00
In case of missed participation, the registration fee can be refunded up to a maximum of 70%, but only if the request is made before August 20 and only if no abstract was submitted.
Abstracts should be prepared according to the indicated standards and sent to S.B.I. through the website (see Instruction for the Authors) before June 15.
The first author must be registered and each registered participant cannot submit more than one abstract as first author.
The Scientific Committee of the conference, composed by all members of the Society’s governing board and the coordinators of the Working Groups, will select some abstracts for oral presentations in one of the Symposia.
Like last year, each author should prepare and send to the S.B.I., before July 15, a short video (no more than 4 minutes and maximum size 50 MB) in .mp4 format. This video will represent the standard mode of congress presentation for all participants (also for those who will be selected for an oral presentation).
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