Società Botanica Italiana onlus

Associazione scientifica fondata nel 1888

Online payment procedure

After entering your data you will be redirected to the safe server of the bank where you can put in the data of your credit card.
ATTENTION - If the following message appears
Attenzione, non è stato possibile verificare il pagamento con la banca."
check whether the amount has been debited from your current account as sometimes the message is given by a system error even if the payment was successful.
For more information contact the secretariat.

Vedi i dati bancari

Versione Italiana

Please note that a surcharge of 2.5% will be applied on the total amount since, by decision of the SBI Executive Board, those who will use this service will contribute to the bank charges that our Association should support to offer this payment option

€ 0 Surcharge 2.50%:
€ 0 Total amount: